Made for everyone.
Tailored to you.

​Embrace – Connect – Transform

​Welcome to the healthiest chapter of your life

​Hey, I'm Coach Elektra

​I help you fall in love with your body without sacrificing your favorite foods or spending hours in the gym.

I teach you how your body works (like, reeeeaally works) so that you can achieve your optimum state of overall wellbeing – without needing to rely on me in the future!

I’ve gone through the struggles of being underweight, desperately trying to gain weight, doing that a bit too well, and then trying to aggressively lose weight.

Needless to say : it took time, it wasn’t easy, and I only succeeded when I gave my body what it truly needed. Food, movement, and care wise.

I did what we’ve all done (probably) and obsessed over calorie counting, over exercising to compensate for binge eating, and pushing my body to limits it really didn’t need – or deserve – to be pushed to!

Doing this for years meant an unhealthy obsession with food, exercise & my weight, and led to disordered eating habits and a not-very-cool mental state. It was at this point that I chose to prioritize my wellbeing over everything else.

Now, I’m my healthiest, strongest & most confident self. I can honestly say that I love my body!

My own experiences paired with my qualifications have equipped me with the knowledge & skills necessary to help you achieve your healthiest body and live a life of wellbeing.

Working together we'll...

Improve your relationship with food

​Change your mentality towards exercise

​Enhance your confidence in body and in self

​Services I offer

I offer various services that you are able to incorporate into your daily schedule.
From bespoke 1-to-1 sessions, to in-depth programes tailored to your wants, needs and goals, to delicious recipes packed with nutrition without restriction.

Get in touch to find out the right programe for you!

​Learn how your body works with food & Movement

​​Feed your body to fuel it without restriction

​learn exercises that really work for you


” When I told her what I wanted she really listened and she  adapted the workout to suit the build I desired and the diet to make sure I could still eat my favourite stuff.

I got a better understanding of health and nutrition overall and I am so happy with my progess!” 



“I worked with Elektra as my virtual personal trainer. I had a very enlightening time as I learned what and how I eat is beneficial for me.

Even though this was all done virtually, Elektra was always accessible if I needed her.” 



“I want to thank Elektra for all of her help to reach my goals. The training plan is perfectly suited to me thanks to her attention to my personal preferences. I learned so much from her nutrition guide. 

She is so knowledgeable, accommodating and supportive!”



“When I first started working with Elektra I found exercise intimidating but the way she explained and demonstrated everything made it simple.​

Even though my diet was good she advised me on what small changes to make in order to get the best out of my nutrition.” 



“Elektra’s plans and approaches in regards to my needs were top notch! Considering that I chopped and changed constantly in terms of what I want and need for my workout and nutritional plans.

She has always been on point and never judgmental.”



​”Before I started with Elektra, I was confused and overwhelmed by what I thought I needed to do to be healthy and strong.

She has and continues to teach me what my body can do and what I can do to improve both physically and nutritionally. 



​you + Me = We

Not all coaches are suited for you – even me!
The best way for you to achieve your goals is to do it with someone you’re comfortable with.

My socials are exactly who I am, so if you want an idea of if we’re suited to work together – give me a follow!

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